Community Garden Plots of Former El Toro Airstrip 20 'x 20'
Artist: Amy Franceschini

Medium: Land Art/Social Sculpture
Project Description:
Plots of land will be distriuted among Orange County residents to grow food, and plants. Each resident is responsible for the reuse of the asphalt that was once an airstrip. Residents may grow in boxes on top of the asphault, make sculptural elements out of it, or dispose of it in a safe and legal manner.


Current state of Airstrip. City of Irvine and the Great Park Conservancy are spending time, energy and resources to solve the problem of asphalt removal. Community Garden Plots puts this situation in the hands of O.C. residents asking them to creativly solve the problem.




Communal Urban Green Space in Copenhagen

Fritz Haeg's Gardenlab Experiment