Victory Gardens 2007+ (VG2007+) is a concept
currently being developed by Garden for the Environment and the City of San Francisco's Department for the Environment.
The program is a two year pilot project
that supports the transition of backyard, front
yard, window boxes, rooftops and unused land
into food production areas. VG2007+ has the mission
to create and support a citywide network of urban
farmers by (1) growing, distributing and supporting
starter kits for home gardeners, (2) educating
through lessons, exhibitions and web sites and
(3) starting and maintaining a city seed
Each Victory Garden is delivered by a city gardener
via the VG2007+ tricycle and includes a Starter
Kit, lesson and one follow up harvest and seed
saving lesson.
The program's ultimate goals is to reinhabit a portion
of the original Victory Garden space in San Francisco's
Golden Gate Park and perform the duties of development,
maintenance, and operation.
October 2006-January 2007
We have given away
3 gardens in San Francisco— one garden in each
microclimate zone:
sun belt, transition
belt and fog belt.
Through the support of the SFMOMA and a Eureka grant
from the Fleishhacker Foundation we have been able
to develop a starter kit and plant three gardens
that serve as test beds for this project. Garden
for the Environment is currently housing and developing
the seed bank.
City Support:
September 2006- January 2007
Matt Gonzalez and Dave Grenell served as
liason's to the city for VG2007+. President of
the Board of Supervisors, Aaron Peskin organized
a meeting to introduce the proejct to a wide range
of city departments which resulted in a very postive
response and interest. As a result, Jared Blumenfeld,
director of the Department for the Environment
and Daniel A. Sider, Director of City Greening agreed to support the program.
Department of the Enironment
January 2007
The Department for the Environment is working
with us to:
- develop
a low-cost starter kit
distribute a small number
of kits over the next year
- sponsor a Summer '07 conference to collectively
define a new Victory Garden program for San Francisco.
- provide support and advice where needed
Mayors Office of City Greening
January 2007
Daniel A. Sider has agreed to be a point person
and offer support wherever possible while we
develop our program over the next year.
Redevelopment Agency + Model Block Project
November 2006
The Redevelop Agency is currently working with
residents of the 1700 block of Newcomb street in
Bay View Hunters point to "preserve, maintain
and enhance the housing stock for the benefit
of current and future residents and would like
to include Victory Gardens 2007+ in the program.
This would be an opportunity to demonstrate the
various configurations of home gardens. This
is a community led effort and is currently being
shaped and designed by the efforts of residents
of the block.
Garden for the Environment
October 2007
Garden for the Environment (GFE) agreed to be a partner in the development
of the program and has offered a space
in their garden to develop a demonstration "urban backyard".
GFE will present public workshops, lectures and film screenings
around the theme of food and farming, two interests with implications for a wide
range of fields including the politics of resource allocation, sociology of consumption,
science of agriculture and the technology of renewable resources to name a few. A
wide range of practitioners will be invited to teach workshops, lecture and present
Over the next 12 months we will develop a small
program that will consist of 1. Planting 10 gardens
throughout the city. These 10 gardens will demonstrate:
the diversity of food that can be
grown in San Francisco
- places food can be grown — rooftops, window
boxes, decks, front yards, back yards etc.
- seed saving techniques
2. Developing a low- cost starter kit and method
of distribution
3. Develop a program and space to grow starters
to distribute in the starter kits.
4. Develop a city seed bank.
5. Seek a permanent home
for the VG2007+ Demonstration Garden:
A plot of land demonstrating possible configurations for growing food in small
urban areas.
Starters + Seed Production Location:
we are working with Garden for the Environment
and Alemany farms to provide a physical garden
site and integration of VG2007+ into their existing
educational programs, horticultural expertise
and administrative support for the development
of VG2007+.