• How will the tech component draw parkgoers?

• How will we get the tools into the hands of the parkgoers?

• How will we let people know that it's there?

• What other actors can we bring on board? Coalition?

• How will the tools impact the environment?

• How can the tools support the environment?

• How can the tools be used to create greater community?

• Where can we get money?

• What is the commitment to this idea?

• What are the regulatory obstacles?

Whose permission do we need to put in permanent fixtures -- if that were something we wanted to do?

• How can we get the most out of device memory without having to add on too many extensions, making the device bulky and difficult to handle?

• Some sites can support a local server, or have a DSL line installed, but others, such as churches and small businesses, may not. What are some alternatives to information delivery? Remember, it’s not as compelling to get the sounds and stories of a site when you are a mile down the road. Should some “triggers” or signals that tell visitors they are in proximity of interpretive material be passive? In other words, information delivery solutions for different sites may not be “one size fits all.”

• What are the time constraints for visitors? The battery life of a handheld computer can dictate the length of time a visitor can tour an area. Are there ways to conserve power? How can we tailor the visitors’ experience so their expectations match the delivery?