Related/Aligned Projects

PDPal is a public art project for the Palm™ PDA and the web. It is a mapping application that transforms your everyday activities and urban experiences into a dynamic city that you write. PDPal engages the user through a visual transformation that is meant to highlight the way technologies that locate and orient are often static and without reference to the lively nature of urban cultural environments.

34 North 118 West:
34 North 118 West is a location-aware project which utilizes mobile technology and our custom software to deliver a unique media experience. Visitors to our site in downtown Los Angeles are met with everything necessary for the tour, including hardware and software.


Agnes Meyer-Brandis Earth-Core-laboratory and Elf-Scan
Elf Scan’ is a playful interactive installation, identifying life forms within core samples of rock, bringing an image forth from the very core of our planet. The samples represent differing areas of our lands where other life forms have existed and still do. Our challenge is to suspend belief as we take time to look beyond the known confines of our daily vision.
"In the Corelab of the Research Raft earth core samples are studied with a specially developed core-sample-scanner searching for elves and other subterranean lifeforms invisible to the naked eye. The tool works non-contact,is kept very small and fits on the tip of your finger so as not to disturb the tiny creatures. There are many more deep earth layers to examine and creatures to discover! Therefore we aim to up the core lab in different locations to continue our research .Conclusion: There is much more inside the cores sample! High level activity - code red"

Signal Strength, Jonah Brucker-Cohen
A wearable EMF feedback device and mapping tool.
SignalStrength is a wearable device that translates EMF signals (such as those from cell phones, power lines, microwaves, radio and TV) into a tactile experience by manifesting these signals as vibro-haptic feedback to the wearer. The device also uploads their position information via GPS and the source and strength of the fields to an online database. The data is collected and cataloged in real-time to construct a full scale map of EMF effected areas worldwide.

Edward T. Hall:
Proxemic Theory, 1966 Hall is most associated with proxemics, the study of the human use of space within the context of culture. In The Hidden Dimension (1966), Hall developed his theory of proxemics, arguing that human perceptions of space, although derived from sensory apparatus that all humans share, are molded and patterned by culture. He argued that differing cultural frameworks for defining and organizing space, which are internalized in all people at an unconscious level, can lead to serious failures of communication and understanding in cross-cultural settings. This book analyzed both the personal spaces that people form around their bodies as well as the macro-level sensibilities that shape cultural expectations about how streets, neighborhoods and cities should be properly organized.Hall's most famous innovation has to do with the definition of the informal, or personal spaces that surround individuals:_Intimate space--the closest "bubble" of space surrounding a person. Entry into this space is acceptable only for the closest friends and intimates._Social and consultative spaces--the spaces in which people feel comfortable conducting routine social interactions with acquaintances as well as strangers._Public space--the area of space beyond which people will perceive interactions as impersonal and relatively anonymous.

Center for Spacially Integrated Social Science: