Project: Gozilla @ Mountain Lake
Artist: Q. Kang

Major: Digital Media
Contact: qkang[at]

The goal of Godzilla in Mountain Lake Project is to make Mountain Lake in Presidio an interesting Family Park and new type of park with interaction. Mountain Lake is small lake but it has rich history and it has potential to become an interesting park for people to have leisure.
This project involves the new types of photographic technology that interact with the audience. Photographs will interact with the audience by having the audience themselves experience taking a picture of a Monster in the lake that doesn‚t exist in real life, but only in the picture that has been taken.
I‚m requesting an opportunity for Verizon wireless to use the facility of Mountain Lake and permit from Presidio Park for installing a wireless communication station in Lake. All the funds will be covered by Verizon Wireless.

Mountain Lake is not a popular lake of San Francisco. It is a small park that usually only neighbors who live closer by lake enjoys. Therefore, I want to spread this lake to others so we could share its goodness. The Godzilla in Mountain Lake Project will help this lake to be popular, through new photographic technology of shooting Godzilla in the lake. Park itself needs uniqueness, otherwise this lake would not be interesting at all. It is a small park so if this park adds another interaction game/play will gain the uniqueness to the park. Technology that I want to use is wireless cell phones to take picture of Godzilla. Since its park is in the city it would not be necessary to install or develop hardware.

My idea came from the "Nessy from lake Nessy". Now it has confessed that it‚s not real but before the family confessed the truth, it had big sensation. The Godzilla in Mountain Lake Project is very similar to the Nessy, However in this project, everybody got potential to take picture of Godzilla. The audience comes to the lake with their cameraphone and takes a picture, the picture of Godzilla naturally multiplies to the image. This is how it can happen: The Godzilla in Mountain Lake Project involves wireless technology. When people (audience) brought their camera functional cellphones to the park and take picture of the lake. Image of giant monster Godzilla will naturally multiplies to the picture via image of Godzilla that is already installed to the server in Verizon wireless. From the computer system in Verizon wireless will calculate the perspective of image that has taken in the lake and pre-picture of Godzilla that saved in server, and finally the picture of Gozilla will multiplied to the original image of phone. This technology is possible because Verizon wireless is using CDMA system which they always have updated information of clients map position. So, when the audience of Godzilla Project, walk in closer by lake, their phone will be activated with an application that makes phone to take picture of Godzilla.